Categories: Destination

The Strangest Lakes and Seas in the World

You can already check here the blog the strangest beaches on the planet, the most amazing borders, and even the coolest airports. Now it’s time to visit the weirdest lakes and seas in the world. We guarantee that your curiosity will be greatly exercised in this post! #left?





Located in the province of Alberta, Canada, Lake Abraham can be considered one of the weirdest during winter. It is in this season that methane bubbles are frozen when they come into contact with its icy surface.

This is explained by the history of the lake, which is artificial. The region, which had many plants and trees, was flooded, and this created a lot of organic matter. This organic matter serves as food for bacteria that release methane gas. When spring comes, the gas is released little by little.

The Strangest Lakes and Seas in the World



One fine day, underwater photographer Yoji Ookata was diving calmly off Japan’s sea coast when he found some strange designs on the seabed. Wondering who could have done that (if they were aliens, mermaids or whatever!), The photographer and his team went back to sea to find the author of the drawings.

And finally, they discovered that the deep-sea designers were male pufferfish, who were attracting females. And in the future, these drawings would serve to protect their eggs. Cute, right ?!

The Strangest Lakes and Seas in the World



Have you ever wondered what weirdest thing about going to a secluded beach, getting there and coming across some giant boulders? This is what happens on Moeraki Beach in New Zealand.

The Moeraki area is on the southernmost island of the country, meaning it is not within easy reach. And the rocks (Moeraki Bulders), to the Maoris, are remains of baskets of eels leftover from the sinking of a long canoe, Arai Te Uru. Already for geologists, the Moeraki Bulders have been accumulations of sediment for over 60 million years.


The Strangest Lakes and Seas in the World



And a big hole in the middle of the sea is the next item on our list! It is the Great Blue Hole of Belize in Central America. It catches the attention of divers and tourists, and you can watch it from space! We couldn’t leave this place off our list of world seas.

At 300 meters in diameter and 124 meters deep, the hole is an almost perfect circular shape. Its highlight is the universe is because it is a huge dark blue circle in the middle of the turquoise sea of ​​Belize.

The Strangest Lakes and Seas in the World



Natron Lake in Tanzania is (quite) peculiar. Its water, besides being red (due to cyanobacteria), has many minerals.

What causes the peculiarity of the lake is that one of its minerals, sodium carbonate, causes the alkalinity of water. This causes animals that are not used to the environment to burn and be petrified (yes!).

But do not think that life is impossible on Lake Natron. It is also the breeding ground for the small flamingos and home to cyanobacteria. ????

The Strangest Lakes and Seas in the World



Also known as Spotted Lake, Kliluk Lake is located in Okanagan Valley in the Osoyoos region of Canada. In summer, most of its water evaporates, leaving behind crystallized minerals that give the lake a different look (the “stains”).

These crystallized minerals serve as borders for the shallow pools formed by the rest of the lake water. These pools reflect water minerals in shades of green, blue and yellow. They still have medicinal properties, according to Okanagan Valley Aborigines.

The Strangest Lakes and Seas in the World



Have you heard of bioluminescent phytoplankton? They are organisms (like small plants) that sit on the sands of some beaches and, when wet by seawater, convert chemical energy into light energy.

This causes a real show in seawater, leaving everything bright and very magical! One of the places where this happens most markedly is on the beaches of Vaadhoo in the Maldives. Phytoplankton extends over much of the beach and their look resembles glitter!

The Strangest Lakes and Seas in the World



Known as the Dead Sea, Asphaltite Lake in the Middle East, contrary to its better-known name, is not dead at all. Despite having a high salt concentration, making it impossible for some animals, such as fish, to live there, the Dead Sea is home to some bacteria.

Located in the deepest depression the planet (400 meters below sea level), its waters have medicinal effects under the skin, attracting tourists from all over the world to float on them. Salt builds up in the water because of the region’s heat, which causes the water to evaporate very quickly, causing the minerals to be concentrated in the lake.

The Strangest Lakes and Seas in the World

Enjoyed knowing more about the lakes and seas of the world? Have you ever imagined one of them? Tell us in the comments! ????

Bill Gates

Published by
Bill Gates

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