Categories: Health

Why Most Contraceptives Are Designed for Women Only

Today, most contraceptives are designed only for women . Fundamentally in man are the condom and vasectomy. It seems, although there is still nothing certain, that this 2020 will see the first injectable contraceptive for men, whose efficacy they say will be similar to vasectomy.

Specifically, the Indian Medical Research Council successfully completed this 2019 clinical trials of the world’s first injectable male contraceptive, with an effectiveness rate of 97%, as they say.

In Spain, the most commonly used contraceptive is the condom, according to the president of the Spanish Contraception Foundation, Dr. José Ramón Serrano, in an interview with Infosalus, although he says that it is used badly and in a timely manner, and nowadays those who have more options They have in the field of contraception are women.

So, remember that the first oral female contraceptive arrived in Spain in the 60s . “The onset of hormonal contraception begins in Spain in 1961 and then, in order to take it, women had to ask for permission and have the consent of their husbands. This, in a way, is related to why progress has been made so much in the female contraception, and so little in the male, “he says.

Another reason, according to this specialist, is that not many years ago, about 15 years ago, two large leading commercial companies in contraception made an alliance for a male contraceptive. “One would be in charge of launching an injection, while others a pill, but there came a time when, fundamentally for commercial interests after their market studies, they decided not to move forward with the project,” he remarks.

Likewise, Dr. José Ramón Serrano regrets that, as the weight of contraception usually falls to women , since this is the one who becomes pregnant, this is another reason why women have more options in terms of contraceptives

In his opinion, everything should change and more work should be done to increase sex education in the population , and co-responsibility in this matter. Thus, he points out that from the Spanish Contraception Society, what is known as the ‘double method’ is advocated , as the most effective method of contraception, and that it would involve both parties of the couple: the woman with a safe and effective method (the combined pills and those of only gestagen, or the use of long-lasting methods such as the IUD or the implant), and then the man with the condom.

Along these lines, the president of the Spanish Contraception Foundation indicates that, today, almost all male contraception initiatives start from private industry. “Clinical trials are currently underway, and some are quite advanced, on sperm maturation, since mature sperm is the one that escapes from procreating, and works to lessen the side effects in man of these drugs,” says the expert.

The woman is more careful
On the other hand, the doctor in Gynecology and Obstetrics and head of the Gynecology service of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, ​​Dr. Francisco Carmona, adds to all the above, and in another interview with Infosalus, which in general women are more careful about their health and usually feel freer when talking about their sex life with the gynecologist.

At the same time, he emphasizes on the occasion of the publication of the ‘Practical Guide to Women’s Health’ (RBA) that contraceptive methods are a fundamental tool for women to have control over their lives. “You don’t need to ask anyone’s permission to make the decision of when and how you want to get pregnant or, perhaps, never do it. That’s why contraceptive techniques are a range of options that you have at your fingertips to be you who choose how to live your sexual and family life, and have control over your body. No one but you should do it, “insists Dr. Carmona.

Besides, he mentions “a very relevant social problem” and that is that, in his opinion, men tend to ignore many things, and it is the woman on whom historically the function of protection of pregnancy falls by mere biological fact. “The vasectomy many couples do not even consider it and it is usually the woman who ends up assuming that responsibility for contraception,” he says.

Likewise, he believes that one does not work so much on the hormonal contraception of man because to date it has been seen that it reduced his libido, “something that does not interest”, when in women this already occurs, and still it is done without transcend beyond.

“There are a number of social and cultural problems around this issue . Society is still very macho and it is very easy for men to delegate to women, to leave that responsibility in them, even in stable and well-established couples. , does not arise, the man does not contemplate, “says the doctor in Gynecology and Obstetrics.

Bill Gates

Published by
Bill Gates

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